Water News Feed - Wetlandsforum

WetlandsforumWetlandsforum.net is a community for wetlands scientists and managers seeking to explore new perspectives for better wetland management in the face of human needs for development, food and water security. This community serves as the knowledge exchange for members and Wetlands professionals.

Wetland assessment and managment from Africa and Australia Link to published articles:W: https://latrobe.academia.edu/YohannesYihdegoWoldeyohann...

About 12% of all man-made climate emissions now comes from deforestation, mostly in tropical areas. We are destroying rainforests so quickly the...

Share your photographs from wetlands around the UK (The Guardian Gallery) As the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust celebrates its 70th birthday we wou...

Integrating wetlands management with River Basin Management is a key challenge. Check out the experience of African transboundary basin organiza...

SADIEau est un réseau d’organisations africaines qui souhaitent communiquer sur leurs pratiques et partager l’information don...

African water organizations collaborate to improve access to freely accessible water information. Check out the web portal: http://www.african-w...

Leading organizations for sustainable land use publish the 'Little Sustainable Landscapes Book'. Check it out: http://globalcanopy.org/sustainab...

IWMI Vacancy : Senior Researcher/Researcher: Ecosystem-based Water Management, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Closing Date: 31st October 2015). http://w...

GBIF, the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, is now inviting submissions of proposals for funding from sub-Saharan Africa for the Biodive...

The Delta Allicance is starting a new webinar series on Delta management. The first webinar “Squeeze an orange, but do not squeeze the delta�...

In a new report, Wageningen University and Wetlands International for the first time quantify the provision of mangrove ecosystem services accor...

Not in Stockholm? Join the debate via Live Stream: http://bit.ly/1TJu2kC

Share our event flyer with your networks, review background materials and contribute your own insights and recommendations here in our discussio...

Are you keeping track of the RAMSAR COP currently taking place in Uruguay? Check out the IISD reporting service here: http://www.iisd.ca/ramsar/...

If you are looking for key articles on ecosystem services from 2014 visit http://wle.cgiar.org/blogs/2015/01/12/top-10-ecosystem-service-resilie...

Water Stewardship Australia, the regional partner of the global Alliance for Water Stewardship, has recently released a short film documenting t...

Pendant notre atelier à Cotonou, j'ai posé une préoccupation à Lakshimi concernent l'Eco-Mapping. En effet, une comm...

World Water Day 2015 - Official Website lauched The 2015 World Water Day website takes the visitor on a journey to learn about water and sustain...

Kigali Forum Presentations now online (see "Documents")